April 16, 2024
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Stress Injuries in New Jersey
Obtaining compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive stress injuries can be both confusing and difficult. When a fall or equipment failure results in a broken bone or other injury, you file an accident report and go immediately to the doctor. But what do you do when you notice pain in your hands, wrists or arms over time, are not sure of the cause and do not know who can help?
The attorneys of the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm, can provide immediate and effective legal help. Todd’s father founded our firm 25 years ago. Since then, the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm has worked to assist workers facing a broad range of work-related injuries and industrial diseases.
If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive stress, you may be eligible for a Workers’ Compensation claim. The Workers’ Compensation system was designed to assist workers who are injured, have experienced temporary or permanent disability.
We can help you find knowledgeable medical care providers who can conduct the tests that are necessary to demonstrate injuries incurred from carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive stress. We can then manage your case and argue both for its approval and for the full compensation you are owed. We can also handle you appeal, including an appeal for an initial case we did not handle.
When you are injured at work, you don’t have time for the delays that can occur when procedural errors are made. Instead, have your case managed efficiently and quickly by contacting our office at (973) 920-7900.