February 23, 2024
Swimming Pool Safety for the Summer
The kids are getting out of school and as the warmer temperatures surface, it is time to hit the pool! While summer is an enjoyable time that is characterized by afternoons at the pool or the beach, swimming pools do pose a significant safety hazard.
According to Pool Safely and the CPSC 2013 Pool and Spa Submersion Report, 76% of all reported fatalities with pools last year involved children under the age of 5. 85% of all fatalities involving children under age 5 occurred in residential pools.
Residential Pool Safety
If you have a residential pool or plan to visit a friend or family member with a residential pool over the summer, you need to make sure to always watch your children when they are in or around a pool or spa. It is highly recommended that people with a pool in their yard set up a gate around the pool area to provide protection. Also, caution children not to run around the pool where it may be slippery and easy to fall into the pool at a moments’ notice.
Public Pool Safety
If you use a community pool, watch your children at all times when at the pool. Also, be aware of the drains in the pool and see if the pool and spa pumps appear to be running. You will want to teach your children to swim and make sure that you know how to swim. Make sure to adhere to any “no diving” or “no running” rules, as they are there for your safety.
Pool Injury and Fatality Statistics
One of the biggest dangers at both public and private pools is drain entrapment. The spa and pool drains have suction. Small children and even full grown adults can become trapped in these trains if a body part is stuck, hair becomes entangled around the drain, or jewelry bathing suits and other materials are stuck on the cover.
If you have been injured in a swimming pool accident or if your child was harmed in a swimming pool incident, contact a Morristown personal injury lawyer to represent you in filing a claim. You may be able to file a premises liability case against the residential or community pool owner for negligence if the accident was preventable. Call (973) 920-7900.