Hanover Uber Accident
Over 35 years of experience. Over $100 million recovered for clients.
Hanover Uber Accident
Over 35 years of experience. Over $100 million recovered for clients.

Hanover Uber Accident Lawyers

Hardworking Hanover Uber Accident Attorneys Focus on Helping Clients Recover After a Serious Injury

New Jersey’s Hanover Township has been a haven for New Jersey residents since its incorporation in 1740. Today, Hanover has a population of approximately 15,000 residents, many of whom travel regularly to nearby cities, businesses, schools, and other attractions. 

Since its start in 2009, Uber has become the US’s most popular rideshare app. Today, Uber gives about 71 percent of all rideshare rides in the United States, with competitor Lyft providing the other 29 percent. Uber allows riders to hail a ride from a driver or to rent a vehicle through the Uber app. 

Uber offers convenience. Yet this convenience comes with risks. Studies indicate that Uber’s presence can increase the risk of a crash in a city by two to three percent. If you’ve been in an Uber-related accident in Hanover Township or nearby areas, talk to an experienced Hanover Uber accident lawyer to learn more about your legal rights and options. 

Uber Accident Statistics in New Jersey

Uber boasts more than 131 million monthly users in over 570 cities worldwide. Since 2013, Uber has been a common sight on the Jersey Shore, rapidly expanding into other parts of New Jersey. 

Uber’s US Safety Report collects information about Uber-related accidents and injuries. Statistics from the US Safety Report reveal several concerning details about Uber accidents:

  • 91 fatal Uber crashes were recorded in the Safety Report in 2019-2020.
  • 101 deaths occurred in the 91 recorded crashes. 
  • 20 deaths were linked not to car accidents, but to “fatal physical assault” linked to driving or riding in an Uber vehicle. 
  • 3,824 sexual assaults were reported in Uber vehicles in 2019-2020. While the number is a decrease from the 5,981 reports in 2017-2018, it indicates that Uber must continue to make ridesharing safer.

According to the Uber US Safety Report, “99.9% of trips on the Uber platform end without a safety incident.” Uber does not say how many trips it analyzed to reach this conclusion. For the 0.1 percent of Uber drivers and passengers who do experience a “safety incident,” the consequences can be devastating. 

Common Injuries Suffered in Uber Accidents

Like other auto accidents, Uber accidents can cause severe injuries. Those injured in an Uber crash can also suffer more than one type of injury from the same accident.

Common injuries suffered in Hanover Uber accidents include:

These injuries can occur in any car accident, including one that involves an Uber. Uber rides also pose risks not typically seen when driving one’s own private vehicle. For instance, the Uber US Safety Report notes physical and sexual assault has occurred among both drivers and passengers in Uber vehicles. 

What Makes Uber Rides Risky?

Uber can feel safer than driving your own vehicle, especially in an unfamiliar city. However, Uber rides may raise the risk of serious accidents for everyone on the road. One study found that accident rates increased 2 to 3 percent in urban areas with a high number of Uber and Lyft drivers

Several factors can make Uber rides risky.

Uber is more popular in areas where higher crash risks are already present. Uber is most popular in densely-packed urban areas – places where many cars are on the road, the streets may be narrow, and lots of pedestrians, bicyclists, and intersections make for a challenging drive. All these factors raise the risk of an Uber collision. 

Uber adds to the number of cars on the roads – often at the worst times. Uber’s own research reveals that 70 percent of Uber users wouldn’t take another car if they had no Uber. Instead, they would walk or bike to their destination. This means that an Uber doesn’t replace another vehicle on the road; instead, it adds a vehicle that wouldn’t otherwise be there, increasing overall traffic rates. Worse, most walkers and bikers only call an Uber in bad weather, raising traffic rates at a time when low visibility, slippery road surfaces, and other hazards make driving more dangerous. 

When more cars are on the road, the risks of a crash go up – not just for Uber drivers and passengers, but for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers as well. Any of these people can suffer severe injuries in an Uber-related crash. 

Uber Accidents: Determining Cause and Fault

Who is at fault in an Uber accident? This question can be tough to answer. The Uber driver or another vehicle’s driver may have caused the crash. Or other parties may be accountable for the accident. 

Even a straightforward Uber accident claim may involve several parties:

  • The Uber driver’s actions will be examined closely to determine whether the Uber driver caused the crash.
  • The Uber passenger or passengers’ actions may also be examined to see if passengers distracted the driver or otherwise caused unsafe conditions that led to the crash. At the very least, passengers will be asked what they saw, heard, and felt in the crucial moments leading up to the crash.
  • Drivers of any other vehicles involved in the crash will also be involved in the accident case.
  • Anyone else outside the vehicle, such as a pedestrian or bicyclist, who was injured or who witnessed the crash may be involved as a party or a witness in the case.

In addition to those present at the scene when the crash occurred, an Uber case will nearly always involve multiple insurance companies. Uber requires its drivers to carry auto insurance. Insurance companies, however, often set different coverage terms for ridesharing than for private vehicle use. Untangling which terms apply can be a challenge. 

If another driver is involved, their insurance company may also be involved in the case. If so, navigating the terms of this insurance policy will also be necessary.

Finally, Uber provides some coverage for accidents. The limits of this coverage, however, differ depending on what the driver was doing when the accident occurred. Coverage for an Uber driver on their way to pick up a passenger, for instance, differs from coverage for an Uber driver and passenger who are in the vehicle together during a ride. 

Compensation After a Hanover Uber Accident

With so many insurers involved, it can be easy to assume that compensation will be easy to get. Unfortunately, the opposite is often true. 

When multiple insurance policies are available, insurers may argue that the other policies should cover the accident. Each insurer may fight to make the others pay for your losses. Meanwhile, you’re facing medical bills and other costs that grow by the day – and you may be unable to make the money you need to pay those costs. 

An Uber accident lawsuit can speed this process along. Your case can help you recover compensation for common crash losses, like:

  • Medical bills. Coverage for medical bills typically includes coverage for emergency care, ambulance or airlift transportation, hospital stays, surgeries, tests and imaging, medication, medical equipment, doctor’s visits, and other medical needs like physical therapy or skilled nursing. 
  • Lost wages. Both the wages you lost while recovering from your injuries and the wages you will lose if you cannot work in the future fall in this category.
  • Damaged or destroyed property as a result of the accident. 
  • Pain and suffering you experienced due to your injuries from the accident.
  • Scarring and disfigurement, if the accident or necessary medical care left you with permanent marks. 
  • Psychological trauma that results from being injured in a crash over which you had no control. 

If you lost a loved one in a fatal Uber crash, you may also be able to recover compensation for funeral and burial costs, as well as for your own loss of a loved one who played a vital role in your life. 

Connect With an Experienced Hanover Uber Accident Lawyer

After a serious accident, you may struggle to recover from multiple severe injuries. Tasks that were once simple, like getting dressed, become daily challenges. You may wonder if you’ll ever return to work or to hobbies you once enjoyed. You may worry about how you’ll pay the bills or take care of your family. You may fear that the future will never be the same. You may feel overwhelmed at the mere thought of dealing with an insurance company or filing a compensation claim. 

All these challenges come with any serious car accident injury. In an Uber accident case, they can be even more daunting. That’s why you deserve the assistance of an experienced Hanover Uber accident lawyer.

At the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm, we’re dedicated to representing our clients with skill and compassion. To learn more, contact us today to schedule a free, confidential case evaluation. Call us at 973-920-7900 or use our online contact form to get in touch.

Todd and his staff were courteous and caring about my personal well-being.

They were knowledgeable and settled my case in an expedited manner. I really felt they were on my side the whole way. Thank you Todd and staff for excellent treatment!

- B.H.
Mr. Leonard’s law firm constantly kept in touch

and on top of my problems. They were quick to respond to my legal needs and were very attentive and showed real concern to my issues. I highly recommend them to anyone needing legal representation.

- Leslie W.
I highly recommend using this law firm.

My lawyer Paul Paravati was always available there for me and gave me first rate service.

- Richard B.
You are the most amazing person

and I am indebted to you forever!

- P.S.
The Leonard Law Firm is truly amazing.

They go above and beyond to make sure you get what you deserve.

- Gina V.
Todd Leonard and his staff made me feel like family.

Trust me, he will take you into his hands and take care of all your personal injury legal matters. They are friendly, professional, and go out all the way for you. Thank you Todd Leonard and staff.

- Frank O.
He was relentless

until the case was fully settled and all was in our favor. Thank you so much. We highly recommend his office to anyone.

- E. and M.

A proven track record of success

Product Liability & Auto Accident
Drunk Driving Accident
Car Accident Road Defect
Workplace Construction Accident
Fall Down Accident
Car Accident State Vehicle
Car Accident State Vehicle
Fatal Apartment Fire
Auto Accident
Auto Accident
Civil Sexual Assault Lawsuit
Slip & Fall Accident
Fall Down Accident
Product Liability & Auto Accident
Drunk Driving Accident
Car Accident Road Defect
Workplace Construction Accident
Fall Down Accident
Car Accident State Vehicle
Fatal Apartment Fire
Auto Accident
Auto Accident
Civil Sexual Assault Lawsuit
Slip & Fall Accident
Fall Down Accident
Product Liability & Auto Accident
Car Accident/Brain Injury
Drunk Driving Accident
Slip and Fall: Workers’ Compensation & Premises Liability Accident
Car Accident Road Defect
Workplace Construction Accident
Fall Down Accident
Car Accident State Vehicle
Fatal Fire Apartment
Auto Accident
Auto Accident
Slip & Fall Accident

Request a Free Consultation

Being injured or having a family member injured can have serious and lifelong consequences. We can try to ease the burden. Contact us today to learn more about how our team of experienced New Jersey accident attorneys can support you through these challenging times.